Brief historical summary:

African Sighthound of Afro-Asiatic type. Originating from the Nigerien middle basin and the Valley of the Azawakhs. Companion of nomadic tribes of the Southern Sahara Desert. 

Leggy, refined/elegant and taller than long resembling a rectangle. Bone structure and muscle are transparent under fine and lean skin.

Aloof and reserved with strangers.

Skull, Head and Neck: 

Eyes: Almond shaped and large. Color corresponding with the coat and eye rims pigmented.

Ears: Triangle set high fine, flat , wide at the base and close to the skull.

Skull: Almost flat, elongated, Width is 40 percent length of the head. The occipital  is pronounced and stop slight.

Muzzle: Long,  narrow, fine chiseled and narrow. 

Neck: Muscular, slight arch, good reach and long.

Top line: Horizontal, nearly straight and or rising towards the withers

Teeth: Full dentition, scissor bite preferred and level bit allowed. Serious faults overshot or undershot bites.

Nose: Nostrils well opened and color of the coat


Length is 90 percent of the hound

Depth of chest is 40 percent of height and withers. It is deep, but not going past the elbows. It is wide enough to give the heart space and not narrow.

Fore chest is not wide. Chest is a curved keel consisting of dry muscle and visible skeleton

Brisket’s underline rises high into the lumbar arch with no interruption

Ribs: long, visible and evenly curved

 Back: Nearly straight, horizontal or rising toward the hips

Hip bones are prominent.  Equal or higher than the withers.

Croup: Not parallel without a accented slant

Tail: Should reach the hock, thin and lean. Carried in a sickle, ring or saber above the back when hound is not excited.

Height: Males 25 to 29 inches, Females 23 to 27 inches at the withers

Weight: Males 44 -55 pounds, Females 33-44 pounds 

3 – 5 ribs should show when in correct weight

Body proportion Length of body/height at withers 9:10 Length is 90 percent of height. It could be slightly higher in females.


Graceful, light and agile without a hackney like action. When moving on a trot the front foot should not move past the nose.

Major faults: 

Heavy general appearance

Size more than an inch from the norm

Body too long

Hip bones lower than the withers

Overbite and undershot bites
